I have known Caroline, Bianca’s mother for more than twenty years. We have lived through some interesting tales, which cannot all be shared online! I can share with you her experience with motherhood. Caroline is mom to two adorable children, Bianca and Matteo. Bianca recently became diagnosed with a food allergy to hazelnuts. See how she is handling it.

The little Princess

The little Princess


1. What is your background (age, race, married, etc..)?  I am 38 and counting.

I am of European background and married.
2. Do you have allergies? Does your spouse? Do your other children?  I have allergies to medication: penicillin, zithromax, sulfa and intolerance to honeydew melon and cantaloupe.

My spouse is allergic to shellfish, he also has an intolerance to milk but not other dairy products and penicillin.
3. How did you find out your child had allergies?  She had an allergic reaction that included hives and severe swelling of the eyes, ears and parts of the face after eating a candy bar.
4. What was your first thought?  Get to the clinic for Benadryl and medical attention, FAST! (We lost the Benadryl the day before while traveling back from vacation.)
5. How has this changed your life?  I read the labels on a lot more products, but I’m not too worried, as I have lived with people with severe allergies.
6. How does your child cope at daycare?  The daycare is aware and is very careful with her and all other children with allergies when it comes to separating food and keeping her Epi-pen handy.
7. What would you like parents to know – whether they have allergic kids or not?  Be mindful of the most common allergies if preparing food for other children, and ask if anyone has any specific allergies so they can be avoided.
8. Do you think your child will be all right?  Yes, she has eaten many other types of nuts with no reaction, so she has options. An allergist will follow her.  We were told this might be something she could outgrow.
9. How concerned is your family? Do they understand the situation?  The family is concerned enough to be cautious.  They understand she has an allergy, but I find a reminder to be helpful!
10. Will you travel with your child? If you have, what precautions did you take? Yes, I travel with my child.  I make sure I have Benadryl and her Epi-pen at all times.

Want to share your tales? Email tarah@allergictraveler.net